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Makes me itch! Poison?

Submitted By: Connie Lehman
Date Submitted: 7/7/2003 4:00 am
Status: Approved
Views: 3347
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This plant makes me itch, so I've been gradually pulling it out. I had two severe Poison Ivy rashes last summer and now I'm scared to death of the stuff. My boyfriend mowed his Mother's back yard and spread the oil all over his house before he realized he had gotten into Poison Ivy. It was a nightmare. Would you please tell me what this plant is. It has a woody stalk and is climbing up (almost choking out) an evergreen tree, a bush, and a Crepe Murtle in my front bed. It's very pretty... almost a Japanese fern-like appearance in some areas. I can shoot photos of it on the tree if needed. Although I did pull the majority of it out today. Thanks!