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Nice fence cover - Nasty rash

Submitted By: Todd Rauch
Date Submitted: 7/14/2003 2:11 pm
Status: Approved
Views: 3726
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I live in Beemer, Nebraska, located in northeast Nebraska, and purchased a house about 5 years ago with a nice backyard wooden fence, about 6 feet high, attached to the garage. There is a dense vine that completely covers one side of the fence which I just assumed was landscaping as the yard has many shrubs, flowers, bushes, and trees on it. I never bothered it though, until recently when we had some tornadic winds that destroyed some trees in our yard. I have never worn shorts this summer until the day I picked up branches next to this fence on a sweltering Sunday afternoon. That night I noticed numerous patches of red on my left leg, and I just assumed that I had scratched it while picking up branches, but a couple days later the red patches swelled to large patches of blisters that have persisted for a week. I started to look at the vines suspiciously when I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in my garden. My wife and I have an 11 month old boy that we have been starting to let play in the yard, and the rash I got worries me when I think about him getting into something nasty. Does this vine need to disappear, or do I need to be looking elsewhere?
