Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Fred Powers
Date Submitted: 5/22/2003
Location: Southwest Missouri (Branson)

Question Asked: The attached two pictures were taken in our front yard in Southwest Missouri (Branson). Both pictures are of the same planr from different views. From your descriptions and other photos on your site, we think this might be poison ivy. What do you say?

Answer: Fred - This looks to me like an ashleaf maple (aka boxelder). It is a convincing imposter, though, isn't it? I've been tricked a few times by this one. The leaves look so much like poison ivy. The real key here to identification though is the leaves and where they meet the trunk. Notice that there are 2 leaves at each junction - this is called opposites. Poison ivy leaves are alternate - which means that the leaves come from alternating sides and are not at the same point. (Sorry - lame definition - I'll have to come up with some graphics) The final key on identification is that new pair of leaves at the top - there are 5 leaflets on each leaf. Poison ivy has a 3 leaflet leaf. These are pretty common "junk" trees - they seem to pop up everywhere.