Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac Information Center

Is This Poison Ivy?

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Submitted by:  Greg Crowe
Date Submitted: May 11, 2003
Location: Oklahoma

Question Asked: This ivy growth has taken over the side of my house. My neighbor has informed me that it is poison ivy. Can you verify? If you need any more pics, please let me know. The lighting made pics tough as my fence only let light in on certain patches.

Answer: Greg, it looks like your neighbor knows poison ivy. I'd have to agree that what we see here is indeed a nice little patch of poison ivy. Even though we can't see the vine or much of the stem, there are enough indicators here to say that it is poison ivy. Poison ivy grows especially well in disturbed ground, along the edges of woods, and similar areas. You should be able to get this under control with Roundup or similar if you don't want the plants so near the house.