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Please Help - Re-ocurrence

Subject: Please Help - Re-ocurrence
Author: Erich
Date: 8/30/2010 7:35 pm
Views: 6109
Status: Approved
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I am an active outdoor educator/guide and recently got exposed to Poison Ivy. (About 3 weeks ago). The first week saw the typical rash, blistering with itchy symptoms on my ankles, thigh and but. I most likely spread it in my sleeping bag or bed sheets to my but (that sucked!)

I started taking Rhux Toxin. (Homeopathy) which ended up in my entire core/trunk having a systematic reaction...It was bad and it spread all over. I caved in and went to the doctor who gave me Prednisone. It immediately started to subside...

The day I took my last 25 mg of Prednisone I started a getting ANOTHER outbreak on my chest (between my nipples)...I did not intially have a PI outbreak there...

I am confused and frustrated...and I am cleaning all my gear and sleeping bag/mat again...But I need to know. Is this new outbreak from the oil lingering on my clothes or sleeping bag (which I have washed) or is it comming from the inside out?

Are these outbreaks more systematic and if so...what's the best remedy to try first? I understand different things might work for different people...

The rash on my chest is directly where my life-jacket insulates a lot of heat against my body. I work as a canoe guide and am outside often....

Any help would be great...

Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Erich8/30/2010 7:35 pm
  Re: Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Zach8/31/2010 9:20 am
    Re: Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Erich8/31/2010 10:48 pm
      Re: Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Zach9/1/2010 0:37 am
  Re: Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Brian9/7/2010 9:42 am
  Re: Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Joann9/7/2010 11:52 am
    Re: Please Help - Re-ocurrence (Approved)Dianne9/9/2010 9:56 pm