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Subject: Re: FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost)
Author: GEHR
Date: 5/11/2010 9:39 am
Views: 3841
Status: Approved
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Brian, I am a live person. I don't sell this but take it weekly. I, myself, PAY for this tincture; don't make any profit off any additional individual ordering or taking! I will provide my personal telephone # as I am not a scam but someone who is willing to share what worked for me!! My name is Gwen Hilst-Russell and my cell # 309-634-5633. I live in Central IL with two small children on a farm with horses. I hunt, hike, ride and am an all around farm/country cowgirl. I work PT out of a food distributor in Morton, IL. I truly love the outdoors and was tired of feeling trapped due to an allergy. No more I cld say to make people try this and personally not sure if I care....it works for me! And you know, that's all that should really matter! Good luck to you and anyone else who would be willing to try just about anything to prevent PI!!!

Kind Regards,

FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost) (Approved)Gwen Hilst-Russell5/6/2010 10:53 am
  Re: FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost) (Approved)Brian5/6/2010 3:12 pm
    Re: FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost) (Approved)GEHR5/11/2010 9:39 am
      Re: FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost) (Approved)Lewis8/3/2010 11:50 am
  Re: FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost) (Approved)Dan Geltmaker6/21/2010 9:52 am
    Re: FINALLY A REMEDY! (Repost) (Approved)Gwen6/24/2010 5:35 am