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Poison ivy on my shaft and balls

Subject: Poison ivy on my shaft and balls
Author: Max
Date: 9/5/2006 9:41 am
Views: 7168
Status: Approved
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I have poison ivy on my shaft and balls, I thought it would go away after some times but it's been about 5 months and it's still there, I don't want to discust you but it's swollen and pus comes out if you push on the swollen area I've tried calamine lotion and band-aid calamine spray. Neither I think work, I'm too afraid to consult a doctor, so I'm asking if I push the pus out and keep doing it will it get better or should I not do that? Also, what works the best without costing too much money, when I do pop them they seem to refill again, will they eventually stop or should I just stop popping them

Poison ivy on my shaft and bal (Approved)Max9/5/2006 9:41 am
  Re: Poison ivy on my shaft and (Approved)Mike LS9/5/2006 9:58 am
  Re: Poison ivy on my shaft and (Approved)ger239/5/2006 3:31 pm
    Re: Poison ivy on my shaft and (Approved)Max9/5/2006 11:59 pm
  Re: Poison ivy on my shaft and (Approved)Robert Shields11/3/2006 7:20 am
  Re: Poison ivy on my shaft and (Approved)Patience31311/20/2008 2:53 pm