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Re: Water parks

Subject: Re: Water parks
Author: Jean
Date: 7/30/2006 11:02 am
Views: 3516
Status: Approved
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It might be too late since it's now Sunday, so I hope you went. The chlorine is supposed to help the poison, and you are NEVER contagious - someone can't catch the poison from you or from your rash, even if oozing. You MUST have the actual oil on you to spread it. (and I'm sure you've taken quite a few showers since you were exposed)
Re: the itching, get to Walmart and get Zanfel. This actually takes the oils back OUT of the skin and isn't just a itch relieve cream. It's costly ($35 a tube) but in the middle of the night, you'll wish you spent the money.
Finally, hope you washed and cleaned everything that could have had the oil on it in the house (bedding, chairs, phones, doorknobs, etc) because you may be re-exposing yourself.

Water parks (Approved)Erin7/28/2006 8:33 pm
  Re: Water parks (Approved)Jean7/30/2006 11:02 am
    Re: Water parks (Approved)renae8/1/2006 6:19 pm