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Re: same oil?

Subject: Re: same oil?
Author: Visitor
Date: 9/20/2005 5:37 pm
Views: 4097
Status: Approved
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Hi There-there are many possibilities since you were exposed to different irritants. However, since you went tubing and your rash appeared so quickly, it would be possible you have Swimmer's Itch
Cercarial dermatitis
What is swimmer's itch?
Swimmer's itch, also called cercarial dermatitis, appears as a skin rash caused by an allergic reaction to certain parasites found in certain birds and mammals . These microscopic parasites are released from infected snails into fresh and salt water (such as lakes, ponds, and oceans). Rather than finding a host bird or mammal, the parasite instead burrows into the nearby swimmer's skin, causing an allergic reaction and rash. Swimmer's itch is found throughout the world and is more frequent during summer months.
How does water become infested with the parasite?
The adult parasite lives in the blood of infected animals such as ducks, geese, gulls, swans, and certain aquatic mammals such as muskrats and beavers. The parasites produce eggs that are passed in the feces of infected birds or mammals.

If the eggs land in the water, the water becomes contaminated. Eggs hatch, releasing small, free-swimming larvae. These larvae swim in the water in search of a certain species of aquatic snail.
If the larvae find one of these snails, they infect the snail and undergo further development. Infected snails release a different type of larvae ( cercariae , hence the name cercarial dermatitis) into the water. This larval form then swims about searching for a suitable host (bird, muskrat) so they can start the lifecycle over again . Although humans are not suitable hosts, the larvae burrow into the swimmer's skin, and may cause an allergic reaction and rash. Because these larvae cannot develop inside a human, they soon die.

What are the signs and symptoms of swimmer's itch?
Symptoms of swimmer's itch may include:
*tingling, burning, or itching of the skin
*small reddish pimples
*small blisters
Within minutes to days after swimming in contaminated water, you may experience tingling, burning, or itching of the skin. Small reddish pimples appear within twelve hours. Pimples may develop into small blisters. Scratching the areas may result in secondary bacterial infections. Itching may last up to a week or more, but will gradually go away.
Because swimmer's itch is caused by an allergic reaction to infection, the more often you swim or wade in contaminated water, the more likely you are to develop more serious symptoms. The greater the number of exposures to contaminated water, the more intense and immediate symptoms of swimmer's itch will be.
Be aware that swimmer's itch is not the only rash that may occur after swimming in fresh and salt water.

Do I need to see my health care provider for treatment?
Most cases of swimmer's itch do not require medical attention. If you have a rash, you may try the following for relief:
*Apply cool compresses to the affected areas
*Bathe in Epson salts or baking soda
*Soak in colloidal oatmeal baths, such as Aveeno*
*Apply baking soda paste to the rash (made by stirring water into baking soda until it reaches a paste-like consistency)
*Use an anti-itch lotion or creams, such as Calamine lotion, etc.

I copied this Swimmer's Itch info online from the Division of Parasitic Diseases. I have a friend who went canoeing a few weeks ago, fell in the water, and was covered with this rash about 4 hrs. later.

As to your PI questions, yes, Poison Oak, Ivy, and Sumac all contain the same oil--urushiol. However I have read in studies that Poison Oak often has higher concentrations of it.

Products geared toward PI are generally itch relief or drying lotions. I think they would be alright to use. The only ones I would avoid are Zanfel which clearly states to use ONLY for urushiol rashes.

Something to remember is your immunity to urushiol can disappear at any time. Always use caution when exposed to these plants.
*Disclaimer-this reply is not meant to treat or diagnose anyone. Information I have shared is based on factual medical research and the symptoms/information given by the person who posted the question. Debbie

same oil? (Approved)theangel9/20/2005 3:27 pm
  Re: same oil? (Approved)Visitor9/20/2005 5:37 pm
    Re: same oil? (Approved)theangel9/20/2005 6:19 pm
      Re: same oil? (Approved)Debbie9/20/2005 10:22 pm
  Re: same oil? (Approved)THEANGEL9/23/2005 6:15 pm
    Re: same oil? (Approved)Debbie9/24/2005 6:53 pm