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Re: Oozing phase

Subject: Re: Oozing phase
Author: Debbie
Date: 8/28/2005 10:19 pm
Views: 6141
Status: Approved
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Sorry Itchy Zi, but your info you wrote here is scientifically incorrect. The fluid in the blisters is NOT poison ivy oil, is NOT contagious, and will NOT make your rash spread. The fluid is a by-product of your own cell's reactions to the irritants from the Urushiol oil. The fluid is mostly made up of water and white blood cells and is HARMLESS. Touching it will NOT do anything to anybody. Is this (oozing) bad Patrick asked? No, it means you are on the mend even though it is still very itchy and ugly. When you are in the oozing stage, what you need to be most careful about is not to put things on your skin that could cause an infection. It is most vulnerable at this stage. Use common sense instead. You can safely use witch hazel, bactine, or sea breeze to help dry it up faster, along with soothing wet cold cloth compresses. If you wrap it for a short time (as when you have to be in public, at work, etc.) it is okay, but remember it will take MUCH longer to heal if left wrapped continuously. Use cold water to wet the gauze if it sticks to the rash, then remove gently. Once the blisters have stopped leaking fluid, you need to switch gears and start moisturing with a good quality product (preferably without mineral oil). If you keep drying it out, your skin will stay raw and crack--and even break out in a dry skin rash. Again, use common sense. [email protected]

Oozing phase (Approved)Patrick8/16/2005 9:35 am
  Re: Oozing phase (Approved)ItchyZi8/17/2005 9:31 am
    Re: Oozing phase (Approved)Debbie8/28/2005 10:19 pm