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Why does it disapprear and re-appear

Subject: Why does it disapprear and re-appear
Author: Jason
Date: 4/25/2005 10:14 am
Views: 8496
Status: Approved
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I have had some type of poison ivy on my face for over three weeks. I can't understand why it seems to go away and then it will come back.

There was a time last week that the rash was nearly gone. I was washing with baking soda and applying rubbing alcohol, taking benadryl and all that. It looked like I was about to beat it, but now.

It has come back although not quite as bad and it has spread to more places on the other side of my face. I simply can't imagine why this is happening.

Is this still the same reaction, or have I been infected again? It is so strange I have not had the reaction anywhere else on my body and I never understood where it came from in the first place.

Why does it disapprear and re- (Approved)Jason4/25/2005 10:14 am
  Re: Why does it disapprear and (Approved)shauna4/30/2005 9:06 pm
    Re: Why does it disapprear and (Approved)Seth5/15/2005 2:43 pm