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Subject: Cure
Author: Paul
Date: 8/9/2004 2:44 pm
Views: 11438
Status: Approved
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Ive been using something not mentioned that has done well. Aloe Vera 100% in the spray dilluted to 30% with water to spread easier. It works on everything. Poison Ivy, Sumac, chiggers. I'm a landscape developer and nothing was working. The amazine thing is there is no more itch. I had a severe reaction when I first came to the area not knowing the ivy was there with sandals and shorts. It was the only thing that stopped that ungodly itch. Maybe someone knows something about it. Hope it's safe. C-yaa Paul

Cure (Approved)Paul8/9/2004 2:44 pm
  Re: Cure (Approved)Theresa8/9/2004 8:38 pm