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What would happen if you got poisen Ivey in your mouth, or throught?

Subject: What would happen if you got poisen Ivey in your mouth, or throught?
Author: Haley
Date: 10/2/2003 8:32 pm
Views: 10532
Status: Approved
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I went on a feild trip with poisen Ivey up to our waste. I washed my hands after, but I porbably had it all over my pants. The I touched my my pants with my hands. So by then i would have gotten it back onto my hands. But then I was eating, so I was licking my fingers. Therefore, I probably have it in my throught, or at least my mouth now. What will happen to me?????

What would happen if you got p (Approved)Haley10/2/2003 8:32 pm
  Re: What would happen if you g (Approved)jj7/6/2009 7:52 am