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Subject: immune
Author: jb
Date: 7/6/2003 10:23 pm
Views: 6207
Status: Approved
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You say no one is immune. I disagree. I am an avid hiker, very outdoorsy person. I have many times picked Poison Ivy and Poison Oak to show friends what to avoid. And many times I have been out with friends hiking where they break out and I never get a thing. That again happened just last weekend, both my friends got poison ivy when they were all dressed up in their hiking gear, while.. me in my flip flops never got a thing. I have even gone as far as to use it as a weapon. When I worked at a junk yard many years ago, we had trouble with a couple of kids addicted to dope that we asked on several occasions to stop calling us. I'm not going into a lot of details, but it was always a bad situation. One day I was on the pickup when it was them again. This truck that they sold us as so good turned out to be nothing more than a shell of a cab and a frame. There was ivy growing all through it, which I started to pull out. I asked them for help, but they were reluctant saying that they thought that was poison ivy, I simply replied, "would I be touching it if it were poison ivy?" At that they finally took it from me as I handed it out of the cab to them. Both of them ended up in the hospital, which I do feel bad about, but they never bothered us again. However I never got that poison ivy. And if as you say it is something that builds up over time, I am now almost half a century old and I have been in it regularly since I was a kid. So I am sorry, but I must disagree.
Sincerely, jb

immune (Approved)jb7/6/2003 10:23 pm
  Re: immune (Approved)Betsy D.7/6/2003 10:51 pm
    Re: immune (Approved)Cheri6/12/2005 10:33 pm