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Re: doesn't itch?

Subject: Re: doesn't itch?
Author: Betsy D.
Date: 7/2/2003 1:08 am
Views: 4577
Status: Approved
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Hi Bonnie -

It's possible that you have hives or you may have come in contact with poison ivy (oak) or some other dermatitis causing plant. One of the characteristics of a urushiol oil induced rash is itching though not everyone will react the same. This is an allergic reaction which varies from person to person. If you had come in contact with urushiol oil, its quite possible that while your hands were in contact with the oil they won't break out. It's the thick skin thing. Palms of hands and soles of feet at the least likely to have an outbreak due to the thickness of the skin.

Personally, I've itched for every rash I've ever had (and I've had plenty!).

doesn't itch? (Approved)Bonnie6/29/2003 4:06 pm
  Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)David6/30/2003 3:36 pm
    Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)chaisson7/1/2003 6:03 pm
  Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)Betsy D.7/2/2003 1:08 am
    Re: doesn't itch? (Approved)Pat7/31/2003 3:50 pm