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Rash on inside of elbow

Subject: Rash on inside of elbow
Author: Jake Mercatoris
Date: 6/27/2003 11:26 am
Views: 13421
Status: Approved
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We moved into a new place at the beginning of June and we were told that there was poison ivy growing in the shrubs, but I looked at it and deemed it a harmless impostor. No problems until I went to trim the hedges on 6-19 and by 6-22 I found 3 major patches. One is on my left wrist, with bumps but no popping or oozing. Another is on my forehead, with one bump and again, no popping or oozing. What's turning out to be the most annoying one though is the one on the inner side of my right elbow (my mom the nurse said "how'd you get it in your ____", so there's a name for this part of the body opposite the elbow, I just can't remember what it is).

I guess I didn't do a good enough job of cleansing the oil off, because bumps have spread from the left wrist the left tricep area, then jumped across the gap to my left abdomen, spreading to my chest, stomach and waistline, and random spots on my legs. Any ideas on when this spreading is going to stop? I read that itching the bumps doesn't spread the rash as long as the oil has been removed or neutralized, and I've scrubbed with soap nearly every day, but it seems new bumps are appearing every day as well. It's only been 5 days since the first appearance. How do I know when it's systemic?

It seems the areas that don't double over on themselves (the head, the wrist) are clearing up nicely. The areas where skin contacts other skin (tricep contacting abdomen, inner elbow folding over on itself when bent) are proving to be more stubbornly annoying. My inner elbow is painfully swollen and hot to the touch.

I've used Band Aid Rhuli Gel, Caladryl, some prescription steroid cream my mom had, my wife's steroid cream for her occasional skin probs, CortAid (hydrocortizone), and I've started taking an allergy pill (generic Chlor-Trimeton). I really don't care too much about the itch, but I want the rash to go away. So on to the questions:

1. Could this be systemic? How can one tell.

2. Anyone have any suggestions on what to do for the areas that double over on themselves.

3. Is there any way to make the rash go away faster, or do you just have to wait it out and use anti-itch remedies. Please keep in mind that I'm self-employed, slightly poor, and I would have to pay full price for a doctor's visit and/or a steroid shot and/or prescription medication because I haven't met my health insurance deductible (it's major medical insurance, basically in case of a catastrophe).

This site has been extraordinarily helpful, and I want to thank all who have posted with questions, answers, suggestions and solutions. What did they do before the internet?!

Thanks all,


Rash on inside of elbow (Approved)Jake Mercatoris6/27/2003 11:26 am
  Re: Rash on inside of elbow (Approved)Betsy D.7/2/2003 0:53 am