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Re: Zanfel

Subject: Re: Zanfel
Author: Jim
Date: 5/22/2003 10:03 am
Views: 5947
Status: Approved
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Hi Susan,

Yes we have had reports of this and they are listed on the zanfel treatments page. I have experimented a little with trying zanfel on other non urushiol types of rashes and have had limited success. Generally, I get a few minutes of relief and then it returns. Not a bad itch but just enough that I know its there.

Early on when I was doing this web site, I got so many zanfel testimonials that I decided not to print them all because I was afraid of this becoming the all zanfel testimonials site. Recently though, I have noticed a common and reacurring theme about price and comments similiar to yours. I still receive the glowing reports but not to the same level as before.

Myself I was so amazed with Zanfel that I built this site initially to share my experience with different products and Zanfel. I tried not to mention any commerical products that didn't work but those that did. I know that I spent probably $60-$100 on different anti itch and drying products myself over a 8 day period prior to zanfel. Back then zanfel was $40 for 3 ounces and in a jar. It was thicker and required more water to activate it. The new tube appears easier to work with from what I remember. Since I havn't had a bad rash again since 1999, I don't know if its the zanfel that keeps it in check or my ability to not over react and freak out as I did before. I suspect its the zanfel removing the oil before my immune system goes crazy and attempts to destroy the urushiol protein cell bonding. See this response which explains how the rash is caused.

I have tried different exfolients in my attempts to find a cheaper zanfel. I tried some of those facial scrubs but they didn't help me control the itch for long. Also, be a little careful about some of these products in an open wound. Don't want to make it worse.

I still use zanfel as my go to product but only if the itch is caused by that urushiol protein cell bond and the itch is intense. I wonder if the peace of mind of knowing I have it and can use it on the severe cases is making my rash less intense. My wife does nothing and she seems to be able to control it. I know that I was so crazy with the itch and oozing that I could not sleep and the more stuff I tried that failed to work the more intense my stress was. I also couldn't control the scratching during that poison ivy attack.

Zanfel (Approved)Joe5/8/2003 8:59 pm
  Re: ZanfelJim5/8/2003 11:06 pm
  Re: Zanfel (Approved)John Feil5/8/2003 11:36 pm
    Re: Zanfel (Approved)Steve J5/11/2003 4:39 pm
      Re: Zanfel (Approved)IvyAgony5/21/2003 9:05 pm
        Re: Zanfel (Approved)Joyce5/21/2003 9:53 pm
  Re: Zanfel (Approved)Susan Brandt5/22/2003 8:49 am
    Re: ZanfelJim5/22/2003 10:03 am
      Don't stress over that rash - (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/22/2003 5:53 pm
  Re: Zanfel (Approved)ben johnson5/22/2003 8:58 am
  Re: ZanfelJim5/27/2003 11:57 am