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Re: Huge Poison Ivy Vine ?

Subject: Re: Huge Poison Ivy Vine ?
Author: Betsy Dunphy
Date: 5/8/2003 11:28 pm
Views: 4398
Status: Approved
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Interesting your question as most of the documentation I've read says that poison ivy vines get about as big as your wrist. Well, I can say absolutely and without a doubt that the vines can get much bigger. When we first moved in to our house 10 years ago, I found a vine growing up an old eastern red cedar. This vine was HUGE - easily as big as you mention and to the top of the tree which is probably about 50 feet or more. I had no idea it was poison ivy at the time but thought it interesting to watch this vine flower, have beautiful white berries, and shed leaves. A year or two later, I learned it was poison ivy. You can climb the tree but I recommend that you remove the poison ivy vines first. And watch out - the urushiol oil is in the leaves, stems, vine and roots. And no - sorry I don't think its Guiness material though that is one big old hairy vine.

Next time I'm out with a camera I'll try to remember to bring a ruler so that folks can get an idea of how big some of these vines are that I've come across.

Huge Poison Ivy Vine ? (Approved)Mark5/8/2003 3:53 pm
  Re: Huge Poison Ivy Vine ? (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/8/2003 11:28 pm
    Re: Huge Poison Ivy Vine ?Jim5/9/2003 7:54 am
      Re: Huge Poison Ivy Vine ? (Approved)Mark5/9/2003 11:17 am