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Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont know!!

Subject: Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont know!!
Author: Betsy Dunphy
Date: 5/2/2003 9:46 am
Views: 4507
Status: Approved
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Hi Christy,

First time sufferers can take up to a week after exposure to urushiol oil to break out in a rash. Depending on the body's reaction to urushiol oil (poison ivy / poison oak), it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days even for a regular sufferer to break out (me - I'm the few hours person). So it's very possible that you have an outbreak due to poison ivy / oak. I don't know where you are located but here in the mid-Atlantic (zone 6) the poison ivy is just leafing out and it's popping up in some places you wouldn't expect (like in the freshly mown lawn near sidewalks). It's possible that you could have touched the plant either in the grass you carried around. As for gardening gloves - if they are of the normal cloth kind they are no protection against urushiol oil. You have to use heavy duty rubber gloves to be sure of not having any oil seep into the material and contaminating you.

OK - with all that said. You are certainly having an allergic reaction to something. It's possible it's poison ivy but its also possible its something else (I break out handling cucumber plants - go figure). It is a rash so you should treat it as you do any other of keeping it clean and dry. Oh and DON"T SCRATCH that rash - I know that is easier said than done but you don't want to promote infection.

Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont know (Approved)Christy5/1/2003 9:33 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)Kandy5/1/2003 11:20 pm
    Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/2/2003 10:00 am
      Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)Christy5/3/2003 11:36 am
        Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont Jim5/4/2003 8:27 am
      are you in trouble if you wait (Approved)Jason6/11/2003 11:24 am
    Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)recently rashed-6/1/2009 12:26 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)Betsy Dunphy5/2/2003 9:46 am
  Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont outdoorexpert5/2/2003 7:27 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont ellebabe5/6/2003 11:24 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)Ruth5/8/2003 1:01 pm
  Re: Poison Ivy, Oak... I dont (Approved)Ruth5/8/2003 1:11 pm