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Re: 3 weeks of prednisone and rash returning?

Subject: Re: 3 weeks of prednisone and rash returning?
Author: Anna
Date: 4/29/2003 10:46 pm
Views: 7361
Status: Approved
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Is it possible that having just healed from a terrible rash that you're dealing with dry skin? I find that after an event like poison ivy where I've been washing, treating like crazy my skin just gets dry and itchy. I slather on a lot of lotion and generally that takes care of it.

It is possible that the rash could be returning though not likely after a 3 week course of prednisone. I read an article by an MD who discussed poison ivy returning if the course of steroids was not long enough but he referenced 10 day dosing and your course was much longer. Is it possible that you may have reinfected yourself? Did you wash or toss everything that came in contact with the urushiol oil?

3 weeks of prednisone and rash (Approved)Cletus4/28/2003 2:32 pm
  Re: 3 weeks of prednisone and (Approved)Anna4/29/2003 10:46 pm